

399994 Header/Footer added from print menu will not be positioned correctly when drawing is saved as a .tif file. 414704 When you are in the 'Probe by entity' or 'List results' PropertyManager and you highlight the Summary table, you can't copy it to then paste it somewhere SolidWorks Simulation 429921 Hole callout instances and text justification changes on moving them in DWG file saved from SOLIDWORKS Drawing. 445142 Iso clipping plot shows arrow at the wrong location on the scale SolidWorks Simulation 456531 eDrawings is not able to measure little angles between not parallel faces eDrawings 457746 When study is run with Exploded View, the design scenario results summary on the sensor location is wrong SolidWorks Simulation 460279 Moving datum target annotations in drawings via API call Annotation::SetPos moves the annotation to the wrong position SolidWorks API 463191 It is not possible to use the simulation results in a motion study to create animation SolidWorks Simulation 467698 ERROR MESSAGE: 'Initial interference is detected because of consindering shell thickness for no penetration and virtual wall contact' SolidWorks Simulation 485533 It is not possible to get a respone graph using the probe option for a section clip of a thermal transient analysis SolidWorks Simulation 494371 'Thickness: not defined' is wrongly displayed next to the shell group icon even when thickness has been defined for selected surfaces SolidWorks Simulation 516950 In Factor of Safety plot, when plotting areas below a user defined value for Factor of Safety, areas with infinite Factor of Safety are also in RED SolidWorks Simulation 523114 Error Message: Linear dynamic study cannot have a remote mass copied into it SolidWorks Simulation 542379 '(Direct transfer)' and '(Rigid connection)' text should be moved from Remote Load icon name to the annotation SolidWorks Simulation 543547 Maximum Stress value shown on the 'Maximum Annotation' and the maximum value in the Chart are different SolidWorks Simulation 545814 Spring-Damper connector damping coefficient always resets to zero in nonlinear dynamic studies SolidWorks Simulation 560272 When Two forces are defined on a face, the displacement is very large. SolidWorks Simulation


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